I wonder when they tweak fishing to faster mode... Say half the cast time would be nice, but then again the rules of Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza would be changed, too.
Anyhow, cooking at Master level, fishing just a few points short of the same and mining already at the same range. Now to level that darned Bullsh.. Blacksmithing. That's the hardest part, because the toon outlevels both the supporting gathering skill -mining- and the areas for the proper ingredients -ore- way too fast, so it's next to impossible to improve bul... blacksmithing at the same range as the character improves. So there is something very much awry in this equation.
I guess it's the same with tradeskills relying on the gathering skills.
It just happens. Tradeskills suck before the cap, it seems, as you cannot really enjoy the benefits because you've already overlevelled them all.
Too bad. For us skilled trade skillers.
Too bad.